Sunday, March 31, 2013

William James Society Essay Prize

The William James Society would like to announce the creation of an annual award for the best unpublished paper by a young scholar (less than five years beyond the Ph.D.) on any topic relevant to the thought of James. This year, the prize will consist of a $500 prize, a place on the program to read the paper during the William James Society session at the APA/Eastern Division meeting in Baltimore (or some other William James Society event), and the eventual publication of the paper in WILLIAM JAMES STUDIES.

The deadline for submission is July 31st, and the winner will be announced in early September.

Papers are to be submitted in WORD or PDF format to the William James Society Secretary, Todd Lekan of Muskingum College [].

Jim Campbell, President (2013-4), William James Society


  1. I know that you aren't a fan of audio links but thought this might be an exception:
    may not fit your own genealogy but she is getting pragmatism into the public mix.
    cheers, dmf

  2. Thanks, DMF.

    I saw that elsewhere. I'm familiar with the CI Lewis branch of American philosophy, which is a hybrid between pragmatist and nascent analytic thinking. Really, "analytic" as we know it ... does it really exist before Quine and that era? I wouldn't say so, and thus genealogies can vary quite a bit depending on perspective, etc.
