
Thursday, June 21, 2012

CFP: Graduate Conference on Whitehead and Pragmatism

Call for Graduate Student Papers
Experience & Reality
Thinking with Whitehead and American Pragmatism

Dates: November 29-December 1, 2012
Location: Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California
Paper Submission Due: Friday, August 31, 2012 to henning@gonzaga.eduCo-Sponsors: Whitehead Research Project & Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy

In keeping with its mission to analyze the relevance of Whitehead’s thought in dialogue with contemporary philosophies, the Whitehead Research Project (WRP) is hosting a conference to explore current lines of congruence and tension between American pragmatism, classical American philosophy, and contemporary Whitehead scholarship. Co-sponsored by the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, the purpose of the conference is not to rehearse old debates, but to work at the intersection of experience and reality to incite novel and creative thought about the future of American philosophy. Specific questions that may be addressed include: 

Is Whitehead a Pragmatist and/or an American philosopher?
What contrasts and affinities exist between American Pragmatism and Whitehead’s thought?
What new questions, strategies, and critiques emerge by juxtaposing their distinct perspectives? 

Lodging and food will be provided by the conference sponsors for all conference participants. All participants will be invited to submit their work to be considered for inclusion in a planned anthology.
Submissions should be presentable in 15-20 minutes (approx. 10 pg) and must make a philosophical contribution. All papers and abstracts should be sent to the organizer of the conference, Dr. Brian G. Henning, no later than August 31st. Submissions should be sent electronically to and should include: 

Your paper (with no identifications of the author within the text)
Abstract (also without identifications)
A separate cover page with your name, paper title, institutional affiliation, telephone number, e-mail address and mailing address.

1 comment:

  1. I've been having formatting problems with the blog, and this post has bee mangled a number of times. Hopefully it's mostly readable now.
