
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

CFP: Race, Class, Gender, and State Violence Conference

PBOS 2012: Race, Class, Gender and State Violence

Nineteenth Annual Conference
October 26 & 27, 2012
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX

Call for Papers and Panels
The 19th Annual Philosophy Born of Struggle Conference with the theme, Race ,Class, Gender and State Violence will convene at Texas A&M on October 26&27 2012.

State violence while maintaining the pretence of legitimacy has become synonymous with social order and democracy with the prison industrial complex serving as a conduit for controlling the restless masses as well as the greatest competitor to public education. Reclaim public education by dismantling the prison industrial complex should be a matter of great urgency for educators, and civic leaders of all areas of public life. This conference explores the interconnections between Race Class Gender, state violence and the prison industrial complex and the social impact of having one in every hundred citizens in the United States behind bars.

Paper submissions on the following topics are highly encouraged: Racial profiling and the culture of violence as part of the state apparatus. National Identity and the history of violence. Economic Inequality and gender/race/ class oppression in the age of mass incarceration. Education and the pursuit of life, livelihood and liberty. Capital Punishment as the ultimate state violence.

For papers, please submit abstracts with proposed titles and bios. For panels, please submit panel title plus abstracts, titles, names, affiliations, and bios of proposed presentations.

Please email proposals by August 3rd to:
Everet Green

Leonard Harris

Tommy Curry



  2. Thanks so much! I posted it and am disseminating it in the SAAP crowd, including Facebook and the SAAPlist. And others.
