
Friday, May 25, 2012

CFP: Hermeneutics of Interpreting Philosophical Classics East and West

Hermeneutics of Interpreting Philosophical Classics: East and West 2013
February 22nd-25th, 2013, University of Hawai’i at Manoa


The Department of Philosophy at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa will hold a conference on the Hermeneutics of Interpreting Philosophical Classics: East and West. The chair of the conference, Professor Chung-ying Cheng, invites submissions on a wide range of topics. Suggested topics include the following:

* Philosophical hermeneutics and /or onto-hermeneutics in relation to philosophical issues or problems.
* How does a philosophical tradition stand in relation to us?
* The nature and function of a philosophical tradition within a community, or in a globalized world.
* What are the available methodologies of interpretation within a given tradition: east and west?
* Hermeneutical interpretation across or within a tradition.
* What are the foundations (the how and why) of interpretation?
* What is involved in interpretation; what is the nature of understanding or perspectives of understanding within interpretation?
* Interpretation and philosophy of the human mind.
* Understanding, knowledge, and truth.
* Comparison of approaches: Gadamer, Ricoeur, and others.
* Hermeneutics and ethical or aesthetic issues.

We think that it is high time to consider hermeneutics in the context of understanding and the harmonious relating of human beings. Participants shall present their paper within 30 minutes, followed by open panel discussion. Each paper will also be considered for publication in the Journal of Chinese Philosophy. Submissions should not exceed 8000 words, and should be accompanied by an abstract of 250 words and a CV of 200 words. All submissions will be reviewed for quality and appropriateness to the subjects of the conference. Submissions must be submitted electronically to Attachments in either *.pdf, *.doc, or *.rtf format are preferable. *The deadline for abstracts is July 31st, 2012*.

*For more information* about the conference please visit the conference website at, or email conference staff at UHHC2013@hawaii.eduThis conference will involve a number of prominent scholars of hermeneutics from China and the United States. We will be able to provide room and board for three nights (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) during the conference. However participants will be responsible for their own travel expenses.

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