
Thursday, May 10, 2012

CFP: APA Special Session on Mary Whiton Calkins

Call for Papers

Special Sessions

Mary Whiton Calkins (1863-1930) and Women in Leadership in Philosophy
and Psychology
Sponsored by:
Society for the Study of Women Philosophers
Committee on the Status of Women, American Philosophical Association
Society for the Psychology of Women, American Psychological Association
Society for the History of Psychology, American Psychological Association

Mary Whiton Calkins, a member of the American idealist movement in
philosophy and an early proponent of experimental psychology, was one
of the first twenty American women to earn a Ph.D. in philosophy and
the first woman to serve as president of the American Psychological
Association (1905) and the American Philosophical Association (1918).

Papers are invited on:

Calkins as a philosophical idealist, as an experimental psychologist, as a as a feminist in early academic philosophy or psychology, or as a leader in the APA-Philosophy or the APA-Psychology

Papers on Women in leadership in the APA-Philosophy or the APA-Psychology, past or present, are also invited.

Submit completed papers as Word or PDF documents (10-page maximum, standard margins and fonts):

Central Division (New Orleans, Feb 20-23, 2013): Mary Ellen Waithe – – by Aug 1, 2012.

Pacific Division (San Francisco, March 27-31, 2013): Jane Duran – – by September 15, 2012.

Eastern Division (Baltimore, Dec 27-30, 2013):  Dorothy Rogers – – by March 15, 2013.

Prepare papers for blind review:  Include a title page providing the author’s name, institution, and contact information, but no identifying information within the body of the paper itself.

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