
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Update on NM-WT Conference and My Projects

The New Mexico-West Texas conference was a resounding success.  I was able to introduce a number of people to pragmatic phenomenology, and they were quite interested.  I want to thank my fellow bloggers for the months of practice that they have given me on explaining the depths of pragmatism, and on gaining a greater sensitivity to what is not obvious to those less familiar with it, as I was able to use that knowledge to communicate the tradition's insights without asking too much of my interlocutors.  Likewise, that also enabled them to better aid me in finding (mostly analytic) sources of inspiration.  I would like to thank John Symons in particular, who was rightly dissatisfied with my explanation of how Peirce responds to the problem of Cartesianism (that part of the problem in which continuity is the answer).  He thought that I did not give Peirce enough credit.

I have been planning to write an entry-level introduction to my pragmatic insights, so hopefully you will see that soon.  And no, almost nothing that I have written on this blog has been entry-level, which is something that I hope to correct as it would enable better criticism.  I will need to gain greater skill at writing for a general audience, and I encourage readers to comment.

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