
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

CFP: Josiah Royce Society

Josiah Royce Society, Session at Eastern APA
Call for panel proposals/papers/abstracts 

Josiah Royce Society Session at the Eastern APA, to take place December 27-30, 2012, in Atlanta, GA at the Marriott Marquis.

Group session panels are to be organized around a theme related to Royce's philosophy.

It is possible to submit, instead of a full panel proposal, an abstract, paper, or partial panel proposal. Full panels may be built from such submissions.

Full panel proposals should include an abstract for the whole panel, as well as either an abstract or a completed paper for each of the papers comprising the
panel. Each of the papers should be able to be read in 25-30 minutes (around 3000-3500 words). Abstracts should be no shorter than 250 words.

Prepare for blind review. Author name(s), affiliation(s), and contact information (email and phone number) should be given in a separate document; no such information is to be within the abstracts, papers or panel proposals.

Please send your submission to: Mathew Foust at

Deadline for submissions: Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Notification regarding submission status will be made on or before May 31, 2012.

Dr. Mathew A. Foust
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Department of History & Philosophy
Lander University
320 Stanley Avenue
Greenwood, SC 29649-2099

Office: LC 375B
Office Phone: 864-388-8383

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