
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ecstatic Naturalism Conference

EN 2012 Conference Schedule

Second International Congress on Ecstatic Naturalism

13–14 April 2012, Drew University, Madison, NJ USA

Friday, 13 April 20122:00-5:00: First Session: Aesthetics and Semiotics
Martin Yalcin, “Orpheus and the Aesthetic Character of the Sacred: Can We Replace Religion with Art?”
Inna Semetsky. “Reading Signs: Peirce, Deleuze, Hermeneutics”
Michael Raposa, “What may lie hidden in the icon: On boredom, ecstasy and the limits of semiosis"

Commentator: Nick Wernicki

6:00 PM: Dinner

7:00 PM: Keynote Presentation by Robert C. Neville with an introduction by Robert Corrington

Saturday, April 14th7:30 AM: Breakfast

8:30 AM – 11:30 PM: Second Session: Education, Psychology, and Psychoanalysis
Darryl De Marzio, “On the Unity of Eros and Agape: An Ecstatic Naturalist Perspective on the Dynamic of Love in Education”
Kwang Yu Lee, “What Ecstasy is to Shamanism, Manic-Depression is to Ecstatic Naturalism?”
Lydia York, “Abyss and Ground: Expanding Ecstatic Naturalism’s Material Maternal with Psychoanalytic Object-Relations Theory"

Commentator: Theresa Ellis

11:45-12:45PM: Book Celebration Panel: Nam T. Nguyen’s Nature’s Primal Self: Peirce, Jaspers, and Corrington and Leon Niemoczynski’s Charles Sanders Peirce and a Religious Metaphysics of Nature.

Commentators: Wade Mitchell and Todd Willison

Respondents: Leon Niemoczynski and Robert Corrington (on behalf of Nam Nguyen)

12:45 – 2:30 PM: Break

2:30 – 5:30 PM: Third Session: Nature and Metaphysics
Guy Woodward, “Cleaving the Light: The Necessity of Metaphysics in the Practice of Theology”
Jea Oh, “Nature’s Spontaneity and Intentionality: Ecocracy, Doing Non-Doing Principle of Donghak [Eastern Learning]”
Leon Niemoczynski, “Speculating God: Meillassoux, Whitehead, Corrington”

Commentator: Karen Bray

6:00 PM: Dinner

8:00 PM Performance

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