
Thursday, February 9, 2012

CFP: Summer Institute in American Philosophy

2012 Summer Institute in American Philosophy

The 2012 Summer Institute in American Philosophy will be held at the
University of Oregon from July 16-21, 2012. The deadline for this year’s
call for abstracts is April 15, 2012.

This year's summer institute will feature a number of plenary seminars
including: ‘(Re)Reading Dewey’s Unmodern Philosophy and Modern Philosophy’
(Larry Hickman, Tom Alexander, Phillip Deen), ‘(Re)Reading Dewey & Addams’
(Marilyn Fischer, Amrita Banerjee), ‘Critical Pragmatism’ (Leonard Harris,
Jacoby Carter, Lee McBride), and Crossing Disciplines: Pragmatism in
Philosophy & Political Science (Christopher Ansell, Gerry Berk, and others
TBA). We are excited to announce that our featured keynote speaker will be
Charlene Haddock Seigfried, Professor Emerita at Purdue University.
Professor Seigfried’s two keynote lectures will address the idea of the
social self in the work of Jane Addams.
Further information, including a conference registration form, is available
at <>. This website
will continue to be updated in coming weeks.

CALL FOR PAPERS/ABSTRACTS (Deadline: April 15, 2012)
We invite submissions to present papers in any area of American Philosophy
at SIAP. (As with last year, we are inviting a variety of types of
submissions again this year.) Presentations may either be Traditional
Conference papers or one of a variety of In-Progress presentations.
Submission Instructions: Please specify in your submission the type of
presentation from the list below, according to instructions. Email your
submissions to Colin Koopman at The subject line of
your email should read: "SIAP 2012 Submission: [format type (e.g.,
Traditional Paper, Dissertation-In-Progress)]. Please include the complete
text of your submission in the body of your email and do not include
anything as an attachment. The submission deadline is April 15, 2012 with
decisions to be made no later than May 4, 2012. If you absolutely need an
earlier decision for the sake of securing institutional funding, please
contact Colin Koopman beforehand, and we will see what we can do.

* Traditional Papers: Papers in all areas of American philosophy are
welcome, but we will particularly favor papers whose topics are related to
the themes of the plenary seminars and the work of our keynote speaker.
Instructions: Please submit an abstract of 500 words describing the paper
in detail. Final papers should be of a length suitable for a short
presentation of 15-25 minutes.

* Books-In-Progress Submissions: Those working on book manuscripts in some
area of research pertinent to American philosophy are invited to discuss
their idea with seminar participants. This includes fresh ideas for books
just underway as well as books nearing completion, but does not extend to
author-critics sessions on recently-published books. Instructions: Please
submit a 500 word abstract describing your book manuscript, the content of
your presentation, your ideas for the format of the presentation.

* Dissertations-In-Progress: Graduate students preparing dissertation
proposals, in the dissertation-writing phase, or approaching their
dissertation defense are invited to present their work at special
dissertations-in-progress sessions. This is a regular tradition at SIAP
and one of the most exciting venues to showcase new work that is being
developed in American Philosophy at various graduate programs across the
country and internationally. Instructions: Please submit a 500-word
abstract describing the content of your dissertation. We will work with
you in advance of the session on general guidelines for preparing the
presentation and what to expect. In addition please note: we have a
limited number of travel grants available to graduates at the conference
who will be presenting, so please indicate if you would like to be
considered for a travel grant which will cover the entire cost of
room/housing as well as registration fees. These grants are generously
funded by the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy. (See
below for more information on the grants).

* Experiments-In-Progress: We invite presentations on projects,
collaborations, group work, public philosophy forays, field philosophy
work, and other philosophical experiments for the purposes of discussion at
SIAP. Some examples: Michael Eldridge’s 2009 group discussion of Obama’s
Pragmatism (and see the most recent issue of Contemporary Pragmatism for
papers on the topic, some of which were initially formulated at this
session), Donald Hood and Eric Weber’s 2011 presentation on pragmatism as
public philosopher, a presentation on some in-progress interdisciplinary
research collaboration including reflections on what is going right in the
project and what unexpected blockages have come up, a roundtable
presentation concerning the development of open access scholarship in
American philosophy, discussions oriented toward the design of advanced or
introductory courses in pragmatism using online resources and collaborative
assignment. These sessions will be limited in number and are intended to
provide opportunities for innovative forms of work, thought, and
scholarship in the American tradition. Instructions: Please submit a
500-word abstract describing your project, the content of your
presentation, your ideas for the format of the presentation, a
justification of the project terms of larger issues of outreach and
scholarship, and any a/v needs you might have.

We have a limited number of travel grants available to graduates at the
conference. Priority will be given to graduates who are presenting their
work and who have not previously attended. In your submission, please
indicate if you would like to be considered for a travel grant. Grants
will cover the full cost of on-campus housing (on a shared room basis) as
well as registration fees (note that travel expenses, airfare, fuel, &c.,
will still need to be covered independently). These grants are being
generously funded by the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy.

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