
Friday, January 13, 2012

CFP: la Société de philosophie des sciences

The Société de philosophie des sciences launches its journal!

Call for papers for issues 1 and 2
Lato Sensu: revue de la Société de philosophie des sciences

Journal Description:
The Société de philosophie des sciences was founded in 2002, with the
aim of promoting philosophy of science in the wide sense (comprising
such fields as epistemology, philosophy of mind and language,
philosophy of medicine and clinical ethics, as well of course as
philosophy of social sciences and the closely related areas of
rationality, social choice, law, environmental ethics, etc.). Its
intended constituency includes scholars working in totally or
partially French-speaking countries, as well as those who are
interested in interacting with those or in working on authors writing
in French. It is thus an international learned society, based in
France. Our website provides a more detailed view of its goals and
activities, such as the biennial congress, the Duhem Lectures and the
yearly Young Scholars’ Prize:

The Société has founded a peer-reviewed, open-access, web-based
journal. Entitled Lato Sensu, Revue de la Société de philosophie des
sciences, it will appear two or three times a year and will publish
texts in French and in English. The main publication criterion will
be, of course, scientific excellence, evaluated according to criteria
in effect in international journals; particular attention will be
given however to originality. Different kinds of contributions,
besides the standard paper, such as state-of-the art surveys,
positions papers, debates, thematic ensembles, will be considered. We
believe this will make the journal more dynamic, more attractive, more
useful. . Lato Sensu will be advised and supported by a prestigious
international Advisory Board, composed in equal numbers of
philosophers and scientists.

How to submit:
No length limit is imposed, however the editors could refuse papers
judged too long. No element of style or format is imposed for a first
submission, except that the manuscript must be anonymous. Therefore
the author must avoid any reference that could help the two referees
to identify him/her. If the paper is accepted, the author will have to
provide a version of the paper in the style required by the editors.
Until the journal's website is launched, all submissions (joined with
an abstract) must be sent, as an attached PDF file, to Alexandre Guay
at the following address

The deadline for submissions for the first issue is April 25, 2012.

Editorial Advisory Board
Renée Baillargeon (Univ. of Illinois), Arnaud Basdevant (Univ. Pierre
et Marie Curie), Alexander Bird (Univ. of Bristol), Paul Humphreys
(Univ. of Virginia), James Lennox (Univ. of Pittsburgh), Richard
Lewontin (Harvard Univ.), Paolo Mancosu (Univ. of California,
Berkeley), Denise Pumain (Univ. Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Alex
Rosenberg (Duke Univ.), Carlo Rovelli (Univ. de la Méditerranée Aix-
Marseille 2)

Consulting Editors
Claudia Bianchi (Univ. Vita-Salute San Raffaele), Catherine Dekeuwer
(Univ. Jean Moulin Lyon 3), Paul Égré (Institut Jean Nicod), Alexei
Grinbaum (CEA), Max Kistler (Univ. Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Jean-
Pierre Marquis (Univ. de Montréal), Gloria Origgi (Institut Jean
Nicod), Julian Reiss (Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam), Stéphanie Ruphy (Univ.
de Provence), Christian Sachse (Univ. de Lausanne), Mark van Atten
(IHPST), Pierre Wagner (Univ. Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)

Director: Daniel Andler (Univ. Paris-Sorbonne Paris 4)
Editor: Alexandre Guay (Univ. de Bourgogne)
Managing editor: Pierre Uzan (Fondation Santé des Étudiants de France)

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