
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

CFP For Volume on Aesthetics and Embodied Mind

 *Call for Papers for the Edited Volume Aesthetics and the Embodied Mind*

*Deadline for abstract submission:* 15 March 2012

*Notification of acceptance:* 16 May 2012

*Deadline for invited essays:* 14 January 2013

In his work *The Meaning of the Body* philosopher Mark Johnson argues that
aesthetics is not just art theory. Rather, it should be considered to be the
study of everything that goes into the human capacity to make and experience
the bodily pre-linguistic cognitive, emotional and sensory-perceptual
conditions of meaning constitution having its origins in the organic
activities of living creatures and in their organism-environment
transactions. In this way he rejects both the Kantian view of aesthetics
according to which aesthetics is nonconceptual and incapable of giving rise
to knowledge and the mind/body dichotomy that underlies it. Johnson
introduces the embodied mind thesis into aesthetics. The embodied mind
thesis denies a separation of mind and body, sees meaning, reason and
imagination as embodied and ties reason to emotion. In other words,
experience and cognition are bodily mediated and depend on the sensorimotor
capacities of individuals embedded in a biological, psychological and
cultural context that interact with the environment in a relation of

With the purpose of evaluating, exploring and putting into focus the impact
of the embodied mind thesis on aesthetics as well as its breadth and
relevance for the field we are creating an edited volume with the
title *Aesthetics
and the Embodied Mind. *

We seek contributions which are firmly based on the embodied mind thesis and
use it as a framework for investigating the role of aesthetics in the study
of how humans make and experience meaning. Papers from literary aesthetics,
pragmatist aesthetics, evolutionary aesthetics, neuroaesthetics, empirical
aesthetics, computational aesthetics, psychology of aesthetics are welcome.
Both theoretical and empirical contributions will be taken into

The language of the proposed publication is English. Prospective
contributors are invited to send their initial proposals (500 words
abstract) by *March 15, 2012 *to the following email address: The invited essays (7500 words) are to be
submitted by *January 14, 2013*.


Dr. phil. Alfonsina Scarinzi

Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Gerhard Lauer

Faculty of Philosophy

Department of German Studies

Georg-August Universität Göttingen (Germany)

*Deadline for abstract submission:* 15 March 2012

*Notification of acceptance:* 16 May 2012

*Deadline for invited essays:* 14 January 2013

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