Democratic Experimentalism Workshop
UNC Asheville Laurel Forum
April 26, 2013
8:30 - 9:00 a.m. Reception and Provost's Welcome
Jane Fernandes
9 - 10:15 a.m. Conversation 1: Foundations
Charles Sabel, Columbia University
William H. Simon, Columbia University
Brian E. Butler, University of North Carolina, Asheville
10:30 - 12 p.m. Conversation 2: Questions
Gregory Fernando Pappas, Texas A&M University
Tom Burke, University of South Carolina
Justin Desautels-Stein, University of Colorado, Boulder
Heidi Li Feldman, Georgetown University
12 - 1:30 p.m. Lunch
1:30 - 3 p.m. Conversation 3: Instantiation
Keya Maitra, University of North Carolina, Asheville
Jamison E. Colburn, Pennsylvania State University
Michael Sullivan, Emory University
Chris Ansell, University of California, Berkley
3:15 - 4:45 p.m. Conversation 4: Possibilities
Amy J. Cohen, Ohio State University
James Bohman, St. Louis University
Lenart Škof, University of Primorska
Amanda Lusky, University of Kentucky
6:30 p.m. Reception at Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center
Dinner Downtown Asheville time and place TBD
Sponsorship and Thanks
This workshop is made possible by the sponsorship of the Center for Interdisciplinary Law and Policy Studies, the Ohio State University Michael E. Moritz College of Law, the Thomas A. Howerton Distinguished Professor in the Humanities, the UNC Asheville Philosophy Society, Phi Sigma Tau, and Student Activities, Involvement and Leadership.
Special thanks is extended to Kyle Cavagnini, Monika Chao, John Fate Faherty, Carson Nickels, and Michael Jay Raymond for their participation in the Democratic Experimentalism reading group, as well as their participation and help in facilitating the workshop.
The readings for this workshop can be downloaded here.